
much love monday

'heart in hand' by DOLK
pic from here

Today i much love

❤ street art 

❤ Reese's peanut butter cups that my lovely friend bought me back from the u.s 

❤ the feeling of a new week that can be so wonderful

❤ pita and all Greek food 

❤ that my hands and hair dont smell of smoke

❤ clouds with no rain 

❤ peppermint tea bags from T2 

❤ and that i am still in my comfy pajamas 

happy much love monday

have a look at all the love over at muchlove-anna 


Anonymous said...

♥ pita and greek food ♥ YES!

cucucmber and feta: the new peanut butter & jelly


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am loving my pj's too xx

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