
varúð - carefulness

This song speaks to my heart. 
My eyes are mesmerized and my body tingling with emotions i cant describe.
Varuo by Sigur Ros is by far the most amazing thing my ears have heard for a long time. 
I am in sweet, sweet love with everything about it. 


i see lovehearts

"i see lovehearts" - my instagram

i much love - the little things that make you smile // i much love - leaves that look like lovehearts // i much love - pretty patterns on my stockings // i much love - being distracted from the heavy little heart and soul i am carrying around lately // i much love - my warm, red finger-less mittens //  i much love - the look of this movie 

Happy mlm on a Tuesday xx


i thoughts - a love affair

at my home sweet home 

i love - instagram. my love affair and affection for my little blog has been fully overshadowed by this iphone wonder app. However, i have decided that a little more self reflection and thought is needed in my life, so C&P is back. Nothing major, just one of these quick little posts every now and then.

i want to achieve - inner peace and kindness, i tried meditation last night for the first time. It was pretty great. I can see a happier more content me on the horizon.

i am listening to - not a great deal, i prefer to read these days but i adore this sweet song. Seeing them live was a huge highlight of 2011.

i am craving - some mumma love, heading home for mothers day tomorrow.

i wish - that work was a little less hectic, early morns and late train rides home are taking their toll.

i hate it when - people sneeze/cough on the train and don't cover their mouth, wtf??? I can see sickness coming my way over winter.

i am happy - that i now live my dearest love, life is grand.

i want to buy - some pretty stockings, this print and this print, actually i kind of want the whole store!  

i have to share - this documentary i showed my class last week. Amazing. Yes, i am a mega science geek.


still beautiful

i took this photo on the day of a dear, sweet ladies last goodbye. 
i keep looking at it and i love how it signifies life and death. 
the one dying bloom is still beautiful, still important and standing tall in the center. 
the living vibrant yellow surrounds a life that is now fragile, a life that sadly must end. 

i find myself thinking about her often, i was very found of my adopted Nan.
i remember with a smile, and gratitude for having been able to love and adore this woman.
she had a precious heart and a beautiful soul.

so very grateful i got the chance to share a tiny slice of your life



i thoughts

i love - my dear friend Katerina @kitty litter. She gave me this sweet little award. I have decided to share the love and pass it on to some of my long time blog loves and friends. In no particular order:

Read about it here & here and have a little peek at these special blogs. 

i dislike - train rides to work, in a fully packed carriage, with a sneezing lady next to me spreading her germs. Yuck!

i want to achieve - organisation and planning for all my classes this week and next week.

i am listening to - active child. I saw him at the begging of this month and wow what a voice. Perfection. 
my youtube channel - and my loving right now mix   

i am craving - tuna and coffee flavored milk. Weird... 

i wish - i had more time to take photos.... and blog.... and ride my bike...

i am happy - to be hanging out with my dear Wayno tonight, watching documentaries and sipping cups of tea. 


in the picture

Here is a whole lot of little old me. I am really enjoying this little selfie project. For more self love - urbanmuser



It was time for a long overdue blog change. 
Oh and i am all about the circle at the moment, get prepared for a bombardment of round images.



Experimenting with selfies. Iphone only capture. This photo makes me feel peaceful.
Lunch break blogging is amazing!


much love

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” 
― J.K. Rowling

I much love my new outlook on life....  it is all about living and sharing lots of love. 

Happy monday dear friends xx a

For more love have a wander around this special blog: anna @ muchlove 



Hoping for happy times ahead... 

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