
Charmaine Olivia

I am really loving the artwork of Charmaine Olivia...
a self-taught San Franciscan artist
she drawers, paints and drinks tea

Here are a few of my favourites


inspiration for achieving some serenity today


i am a geek...

i just laughted my pants off at this badge
some nice badges at this etsy shop beanforest

Your Organ Grinder

Handmade Felt Body Organs

I came across these little fellas the other day and i think my friend Aya will love them!

She loves parasites.  The baby tapeworm is kinda cute.  My personal fave are the lungs.

Your Organ Grinder etsy shop can be found here

Baby tapeworm



Zombie brain worm - This one makes me laugh hehehehe



i love weetbix

i admire Cosrard, he is such a strong little fella

i dislike having a split shift - -Heidelberg to Carlton meh 

i want to achieve serenity.  Google define i love you. 
- a disposition free from stress or emotion peace
- the absence of mental stress or anxiety

i am reading Rocks in the belly

i am craving Jelly beans

i want to change my address.  Hating my house

i want for tomorrow some excitement and surprises

i want forever to be loved  



It had been at least 12 months since my last Iggy and Lou Lou purchase...

I am dreaming of having these in my hot little hands


Sam Flores

My artist crush for today - Sam Flores 
His blog is here


feeling guilty & i am a tool

I never realised how petrified i am of spiders. 
I found out this afternoon when one GIANT spider was hiding in my shoe...

I screamed and it ran on its hairy long legs around my room.
The thought of it lurking in my room forever made me slightly ill so i killed it.

It would have been a bad death because it took 5 minutes of spraying to slow him down and then a few blows from a shoe.  I squealed the whole time, like this spider was going to attack and kill me. 

The tool bit is a result of my traumatic spider encounter and the fact that i am now going to be late for work.
I ran to the car, hit reverse and smashed my front fence onto the footpath.  Nice

The lawn mower man had closed the gate....
It was to heavy for me to move, so i left the pile of bricks and rang Jeese who was at work to help...  Of course he didnt understand the severity or need for the call but listened while i blabbed my story through sobs.

Made it too work and inspected the car, few dents and scratches.
My brother said killing spiders is bad luck... i think he is right

Ambs - 1 spider death 
Spider revenge - 1 bunged up car & 1 ruined fence



i love that it is FRIDAY!!!!!  But i have to work til 11pm, terribly unfair

i admire this is tricky. Mosquitoes. The sneaky little things have covered my legs in welts.  I thought i had killed them all but they persisted through the can of raid and got me while i slept.  Outsmarted by an insect

i dislike the wind, but it is making my chimes play a lovely song

i want to achieve world domination.. no no my little blog is not going to make a scrap of difference to the world.  So today i want to achieve something realistic like being content with what i have.  Appreciating all the people in my life and how important they are to me and my happiness.  Aww how corny

i am reading  nothing - transition phase, finished the Glass Castle and trying to find a new book club book.  The Glass Castle was very good, i highly recommend you read it

i am craving the beach.  Sand in my undies and all i would just like a lazy, carefree day in the sun and a touch of floating

i want to change can’t be bothered thinking about this one, too much to ponder

i want for tomorrow adventures

i want forever a pack of pups.  i am on my way i have 2.  25 - 30 to gather.  Downside: lots of dog poo, i hate dog poo


My sewing venture has come to a grinding halt.  Sewing machines are mighty complex and terribly annoying to fix.  My stitch looks perfect on the topside but flip her over and there is a mass of giant loops.  ho hum.  A few hours later and turning every knob i could get my hands on she is no better. 

I would like to give up but i am going to persist, perhaps old elna needs a service.  

Sewing is not easy

ha mazing

i cannot believe how much these look like little slices of carrot, i need these earring

The tiny apple farm has a full range of tiny little adorable earrings, my faves are


1. spontaneously fanciful or playful
2. given to whims; capricious
3. quaint, unusual, or fantastic

Today i am going to be more whimsical, i love this word.  Here are some whimsical things:

pretty prints

Shuxin Liang @ shop moose




i love ?? struggling for an answer, i am being a negative nelly today..... But everyday i love toast with butter and vegemite

i admire my ma.  Missing her like crazy today.  

i dislike money (the lack of it), it annoys me how necessary it is to survive.

i want to achieve positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts

i am reading  My book club book: The Glass Castle – Jeannette Walls.

i am craving a Pearl Oyster coffee, dam you for being closed on Mondays 

i want to change my hair style.  I am thinking a Bob, it is nice living with a hairdresser aka my baby bro.    

i want for tomorrow some energy please

i want forever to be inspired and challenged


the artwork of Femke Hiemstra

Here is some beautiful artwork by Femke Hiemstra, her shop is here

a post with no name

I have a love hate relationship with sleeping... it annoys me when i have to stop what i am doing and go to bed.  Seems like a waste of precious time, i would prefer to plug myself in or change the batteries.   

This shift work is making me restless, i work evenings or weekends lately which is rendering me with a lot of alone time.  Me and alone time are not great friends, it makes me a little weird.

Being home Monday to Friday in daylight hours should be more enjoyable, i am finding the highlight of the day is..... (its so lame)  hearing the mailman driving down the footpath.

The sad thing is the mail box is almost always just full of junk mail.  I don't know what i get so excited about finding.  I am a touch worried because i get a little irritated if he is late.

Sad fact two:  I am feeling a connection with Yumi, Ding Dong and Chrissie (aka Swannie)

I need to get out more.

I think uni fried my brain and its in recovery mode, well i am hoping my mushy brain will get back to its normal self.   

Cosbe is rashed up again, a trip home to ma and my little man is in extreme high maintenance mode for the next few days.  Fenergan crushed in sardines, baths, creams and constant supervision so he doesn't scratch all his fur off.

Ma is right - how would i ever cope with a child.




i love the feeling of accomplishment, uni done for another year and the house is all sparkling  

i admire people who can change careers to pursue the life that makes them happy

i dislike all the waste in the world.  And freaking out about getting closer to 30.  Labels we put on people, JJJ is annoying me with this bogan segment 

i want to achieve finding a part time job.  Thinking a little more positive and finding the good in everyday

i am reading Rocks in the belly - Jon Bauer

i am craving a big warm hug 

i want to change too much.  On a personal level i need to stop fretting about the little shit.  As pops would say 'stop and smell the roses'

i want for tomorrow a sunny day

i want forever the big question... but its kinda simple:  Love, adventure, healthy positive relationships, a job i truly want to get up for every day.  Lots of memories, i need to do more, be more creative, be more spontaneous and carefree      

the laughing heart

your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

Charles Bukowski

the universe is in you

My new artist crush is Mr Kelsey Brookes
I love his dreamy prints and he was a scientist!  
His blog is here


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